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Profile picture of Hanifah Presley, M.Ed

Hanifah Presley, M.Ed

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Hello! My name is Hanifah Presley and it is nice to see you on my profile! I am #transitioningteacher and #opentowork in instructional design, e-learning, and learning & development. I am developing my skills in the following: *E-learning design and development *Course Creation *Creative problem solving *Designing adult-learning I am spending a lot of time developing these skills and working on my portfolio. I have been watching videos, completing online courses, and learning about all the tools of the trade. This experience has made me want to pursue more and build the skills to engage diverse learners. I have 7 years of experience creating engaging lessons for diverse learners. I am ready to build and apply my skills with E-learning and effective lesson planning to the exciting world of Instructional Design or Learning and Development! You can reach me here on Linkedin or via email [email protected]

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