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Hannah Sanford's Linkedin Analytics

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Hannah Sanford

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As Head of People, I am passionate about creating a positive and inclusive workplace culture where employees can thrive and reach their full potential. With over 9 years of experience in human resources and people management, I have developed expertise in talent acquisition, performance management, employee engagement, and diversity, equity, and inclusion (ED&I). I believe that people are the heart of any organisation, and I am committed to building a high-performance team that is aligned with the company's goals and values. I enjoy working collaboratively with other leaders and stakeholders to develop and implement strategic HR initiatives that drive business success and enhance employee satisfaction. In my role as Head of People, I have successfully led L&D projects, brand recognition, performance reviews and have contributed to the growth and development of Astound Commerce (UK). I am always seeking to learn and grow in my profession, and I enjoy sharing my knowledge and experience with others through mentorship, coaching, and speaking engagements.

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