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Hannah Houg 📸's Linkedin Analytics

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Hannah Houg 📸

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Hey there, I'm Hannah đź‘‹ As a seasoned digital content creator with over 8 years in the industry, I specialize in crafting conversion-focused videos for DTC and ecommerce brands. My approach isn't just about stunning visuals, it's deeply rooted in consumer psychology and marketing principles, ensuring we tap into what truly resonates with viewers. With a proven track record of scaling and working with brands to the 7-figure mark and beyond, I blend compelling storytelling with captivating visuals to produce videos that not only engage with viewers but drive results. My extensive experience in the knowledge commerce and DTC sectors has equipped me with the insight to work with and operationally within various agencies and brands, bringing hundreds of impactful videos to life. My mission is to ensure every video strikes a chord with its audience, prompting them to take action. I partner closely with clients, designing strategies tailored to their unique objectives, guaranteeing the best use of resources and delivering impressive ROIs. When I'm not behind the camera or strategizing, I'm spending quality time with my two mini wiener dogs or ideating the next big thing for businesses. Passionate about seeing brands thrive, I'm here to make a difference and work alongside of you. If you're in pursuit of a relatable content creator and strategist with a knack for driving stellar results, let's chat!

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