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Halli Gunnlaugsson's Linkedin Analytics

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Halli Gunnlaugsson

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Accomplished business owner and product marketer with a proven track record of success in business development, marketing, and communications. Expertise in crafting compelling product narratives, developing effective marketing campaigns, and fostering sustainable growth. Before embarking on my entrepreneurial journey, I held the Software Product Marketing Manager position at Marel, a global leader in infrastructure solutions. I orchestrated cross-functional collaboration in this role, ensuring strategic alignment across leadership teams, product development, sales, service, and marketing teams worldwide. My data-driven approach to upselling was pivotal in driving annual revenue growth of US$100M-plus. Additionally, I spearheaded internal communications strategy and guided content teams in over 30 international locations. Leveraging my IT management and multimedia production expertise, I spearheaded the company's digital transformation and content strategy initiatives. Driven by a passion for empowering companies to make their products resonate with customers and amplify their brand in a competitive landscape. My skillset encompasses corporate storytelling, product positioning, business development, and public speaking. As a cultural change agent, I champion diverse talent, foster thought leadership, and cultivate sustainable sales and profit growth.

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