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Over the last decade, I've been on a mission to turn video into a powerhouse for brands and their marketing teams. The goal? Lead generation, turbocharging sales, cranking up click-through rates, building subscriber lists, sparking brand recognition, and the list goes on... The returns are limitless. At our agency, we're not just content creators. We thrive on the challenge of producing creative content that doesn't just meet goals but catapults them into the stratosphere. And let me tell you, I wouldn't have it any other way. From brainstorming ideas, directing on set, managing the post-production work, and everything in between, my role is to guarantee the creative vision for each project shines through. I uphold our unwavering quality standards and make sure our final product achieves its original goal, no matter how audacious. ↳ 1,000+ videos created ↳ 10,000+ hours of editing ↳ $100,000+ budgets Our team has worked for industry giants across North America. Think Sun Life, Linamar, RBC, PepsiCo, Kraft, Open Text. And we've got the accolades to back it up. Our work has snagged prestigious awards at international video competitions like the MarCom Awards and the Viddy Awards. Dive into our portfolio on our company page. If you're considering a video marketing partner, or itching to chat about Auston Matthew's Stanley Cup dreams, my inbox is always open. Shoot me an email, and let's make some video magic together!

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