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Harold de Vries's Linkedin Analytics

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Harold de Vries

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I am a “Superhero, because I’m fighting computer baddies.” That’s me according to my kids. With hackurity.io, I have made it my mission to fight cybercrime and prevent cyber criminals from succeeding and make the internet safer for our customers, but ultimately future generations. I’m incredibly passionate about building and scaling hackurity.io, because I strongly believe our cybersecurity and attack simulation solutions help protect businesses from cyberattacks. With that, our solutions prevent cyber criminals succeeding. We believe we can make “being connected” for businesses safe again and help them protect their Intellectual Property (IP) and data. That’s why we focus on preventative solutions that work 24/7/365. Cyber criminals don't work office hours, so your cybersecurity must work 24/7. Hackurity is a business that’s redefining cybersecurity through our innovative, automated and powerful cybersecurity solutions. Taking a unique outside in approach, our solutions are designed to replicate real hacker attacks to find and fix vulnerabilities before hackers do. Focused on prevention, we reduce the chance of a successful cyber attack on any business by up to 95% Founded in 2021, hackurity.io has the dream and mission to make being connected to the internet safer for all businesses and ultimately for our next generations. Headquartered in The Netherlands, hackurity.io offers its world class cybersecurity solutions to businesses around the world. As passionate business leader, I am highly demanding to myself and continuously focus on improving myself personally and professionally. This allowed me to build high performance teams and drive business growth for hackurity.io and previous employers. Previously, I held Senior Marketing & Sales Leadership roles within global leading technology businesses. I have always focused on driving business growth through: - Unlocking new geographical markets - New product development & launch - Building and expanding sales & distribution channels - Demand generation initiatives - Increasing share of wallet of existing customers - Optimising pricing & margins

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