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I am currently under construction. Copywriting conventions dictate I should lead with selling you something, telling you what I can give you of value... Well, I don't really follow conventions. They don't work. Back to reinvention. I am a freewheeling creative. I live for creativity and expression, telling stories and helping others tell their stories. How? I'm a writer, author, poet and my debut collection of poetry recently got published, Press Play is out on Big White Shed. In April 2024, I wrote and performed first play at the Hackney Empire. I'm now working on my debut novel. I co-run BYOB (Bring Your Own Bars) one of the biggest poetry nights in London. This platform allows me to build community around expression storytelling. I curate experiences around music and poetry twice a month at Boxpark Croydon and BOXPARK Wembley. I give poets, rappers, singers, storytellers a chance to tell their stories. I founded and host a podcast called Speak Easy with haroon: Conversations with Artists, Creatives and Troublemakers. It's basically long form conversations with the previously mentioned 3 categories of people. Think Joe Rogan with creatives, minus the conspiracy theories, misogyny and general right wing quackery. I was diagnosed with autism and ADHD aged 39 and am intensely passionate about advocating for other ADHD and autistic people. Neurodiversity is something I care about deeply. Most recently I've started work in schools where I deliver workshops around poetry, creative writing and neurodiversity with a focus on ADHD and autism. I'm looking for more work in schools to help young people tap into their potential. In a previous life I worked in tech startups in biz dev and operational roles and have an MBA from London Business School. Now I love helping companies, particularly tech companies craft case studies and customer success stories for their businesses to boost sales. Modern wisdom says I should focus on one thing, but I have ADHD, so that means I have multiple interests, and they all feed into each other. Let's have a chat and see how I can help you!

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