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As a seasoned Job Developer I assist clients with barriers to employment obtain meaningful, long-term employment. This is achieved through supporting clients, finding creative solutions and employer outreach. I enjoy connecting with people, learning about their passion and creating lasting beneficial connections. Most of my career has been in the staffing/human resources field. My lengthy service in this field has taught me to be compassionate to others. When an employee makes a mistake, many employers focus on the mistake yet ignore the many prior contributions of the employee. We must change this attitude and offer praise and encouragement to those who keep trying. My other area of interest is technology. Long before the advent of cell phones and computers, I embarked on obtaining my Amateur Radio License issued by Industry Science Economic Development Canada (ISED). Back then it was simply known as the Department of Communications (DOC). I currently hold an Advanced Class License with Morse Code certification. You will hear me on the air in my spare time communicating with other amateur's worldwide.
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