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Haseeb Minhas's Linkedin Analytics

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Haseeb Minhas

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Hello everyone, I am delighted to connect with you on this professional platform. I am a passionate Google Ads and local SEO expert. With a wealth of experience in digital marketing, lead generation, and GA4. I specialize in leveraging the power of Google Ads and optimizing local search engine visibility for businesses. Here are some key aspects of my expertise in digital marketing. ` Campaign Strategy and Management Keyword Research and Targeting Ad Copy Creation and Optimization Conversion Tracking and Analytics Local Search Optimization Google My Business Management Local Citations and Listings I am truly passionate about helping businesses achieve their digital marketing goals by harnessing the power of Google Ads, lead generation, GA4 and local SEO. If you are looking to drive targeted traffic, capture quality leads, and gain actionable insights from your campaign data, I would be thrilled to connect with you. Feel free to reach out to me directly via LinkedIn or email at [ [email protected]] Let's collaborate and achieve digital marketing success together!

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