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Haseeb Malik's Linkedin Analytics

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Haseeb Malik

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With more than 15 years of experience in brand storytelling, global marketing leadership, and campaign design with a user-centric focus, I am passionate about innovation and growth. My expertise ensuring ROI and engaging global audiences for multibillion-dollar portfolios (and leading IPs/brands) makes me an asset to any team – whether in a startup environment or an established company looking to sustain their reputation. As a collaborative leader, I believe in building diverse and cohesive cross-functional teams focused on data-driven decision-making. I am committed to balancing a commercially-minded strategy with a culture of creativity, which ensures we can capture emerging opportunities but are still delivering on profitability goals. I'm not afraid to take risks (and learn from my mistakes), and I am willing to challenge the status quo to create impactful and meaningful disruption in the market. I have worked with some of the world’s leading technology brands (Apple, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and Sony) and managed global marketing for franchises that see thousands of monthly users. I remain driven and focused on growth while also intrigued by new opportunities in the industry.

Check out Haseeb Malik's verified LinkedIn stats (last 30 days)

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