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Hasna Elbouzkraoui's Linkedin Analytics

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Hasna Elbouzkraoui

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Did you know that 80% of tech startups fail? And the most common reasons for that failure are: 1- Running out of cash (38%) 2- No market fit (35%) 3- Getting outcompeted (20%) 4- Poor teams (14%) (CB Insights) I work with tech startups to solve these problems by building a STRONG brand that will help them: 1- Attract investors and shareholders. 2- Improve customer acquisition costs. 3- Increase sales. 4- Outperform competition. 5- Improve talent acquisition and retention. If you want to make an exception and GROW your startup, click the link below to book a free 30-minute discovery call with me: https://calendly.com/elboustudio/discovery-call Or contact me at: [email protected] +212 627234999

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