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Hayley Rose

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Navigating the ins and outs of launching a product or pivoting an organisation towards new areas of growth is hard. I work with businesses to try and make it a little easier. I look at customer, brand, product, market and tactics to tackle growth challenges to get you crystal clear assumptions and a rock solid plan on how to test them. Testing and validating before going all-in is kind of my mantra to make sure you don’t waste time and money going down the wrong path. I’ve used this assumption-led approach to strategy within the startup and Fortune 500 ecosystem for companies like L’Oreal, Vogue, Accenture, General Motors, Blackbird, Techstars and Antler. I've navigated diverse landscapes globally—in Australia, the US, and the UK—across sectors like health, tech, and retail - and am comfortable managing disparate stakeholders, leading teams, and tackling regulatory and competitive hurdles across all industries. ** I’m currently excited to blend my background in psychology and health coaching with my venture skills. The goal is to create disruptive business models that democratise access to physical and mental health.

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