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Heather Barrie

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Are you an ambitious business owner who is overwhelmed and frustrated by your lack of progress towards your business vision? If your business can’t exist without you and it isn’t paying you your worth, I can help. We enable you to understand yourself and your business, enabling you to become more effective, feel more supported and run a business that works for you and delivers your vision of success! How do we do this? From gaining an in-depth understanding of your personal and business starting points, you'll work through our online programme, supported by weekly live masterminds, learning sessions and LinkedIn engagement to ramp up your effectiveness and create a dynamic business structure that brings you results! We focus on your: Personal Strengths Purpose Productivity Planning Processes Product Promotion We enable you to map out and pursue your journey to your vision of effective success Don't just take my word for it. Here's what one of my mastermind clients had to say: " Heather shared a simple but really helpful structure designed to help business leaders and entrepreneurs to take stock of their business as it is now, to plan strategically for future success and underpin taking focussed action. The process was hugely strengthened through her powerful and thought provoking questions.” Gina G So who am I? I'm Heather Barrie – qualified management accountant, award winning coffee entrepreneur, elected politician and best-selling author. I've had side hustle businesses for over 50 years and I'm passionate about helping ambitious entrepreneurs achieve their vision of success – particularly those who are frustrated at not being where they know they can be! I am a co-author of Amazon Bestseller, Play the Game and my second book on Goal Mastery will be published later in 2023. I’m an ideator and passionate collaborator who loves to inspire business owners to create a sustainable business that fulfils their dreams and pays them their worth. My business achievements in the competitive world of coffee saw me win both customer service and businesses personality of the year (twice) awards and my drive for a fairer world has twice lead me to stand for parliament! If you're interested in working with me, there are two ways I can help. First, you can join me as a guest on my complimentary weekly event, "Effective Entrepreneurs Business Cafe," where we Link and Learn as we share new ideas and meet like-minded business owners. Secondly, you can attend an Effective Entrepreneurs Strategy Session! Go to www.effective-entrepreneurs.com for access to both.

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