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Brian Heflin

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As a Technology Advisor and Broker, I have over nine years of experience in providing customized and cost-effective solutions for various technology needs, such as Internet, voice, contact center, security, AI and cloud. I started Aton Technology Brokers in 2023 to be a trusted partner and advisor for businesses looking for the best technology solutions in the market, leveraging my relationships with over 350 pre-vetted global carriers and a team of skilled engineers. I am driven by a passion for sharing knowledge, fostering connections, and simplifying complexities. I approach every interaction with generosity, offering my time and resources without expecting anything in return. My purpose in life is to achieve success in three of life's most important categories; * Marital Success - My wife will never question that she is #1 in my life. To laugh everyday, and to be in love until our last day. * Parental Success - To be the example of what a husband should be to my son, and what to expect from a husband for my daughters. To always be the mentor for my children, even when they become adults. * Financial Success - Create legacy wealth for my family so money is not THE main decision maker in day-to-day life. That money is nothing more then a tool for great people to do great things. To achieve only 2 of the 3, in my opinion, I didn't do what I was meant to do.

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