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Helena Truong's Linkedin Analytics

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Helena Truong

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Passionate, self-driven, and well-organized professional with a robust Compliance background specializing in AML and Sanctions. Whether working independently or collaboratively within a team, I consistently exhibit motivation and multitasking abilities to meet challenging deadlines while upholding the highest standards of accuracy. Thriving in high-pressure environments, I excel in roles where attention to detail is crucial. Eager to broaden my skill set, I have ventured into Cybersecurity and completed the ISC2 Cybersecurity Online Self-Paced course to kickstart my journey. Having recently returned from travels, I am enthusiastic about rejoining the workforce and contributing to the success of a dynamic company. Currently, I am immersed in a Digital Marketing BootCamp course with coding, aiming to channel my online creativity and eventually evolve it into a side hustle.

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