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šŸ‘‰ If you are stuck in š—–š—¼š—»š˜ƒš—²š—暝˜€š—¶š—¼š—»š˜€... I mean your š—–š—¼š—½š˜†, š——š—²š˜€š—¶š—“š—» & š—¢š—³š—³š—²š—æ are not converting well & you are not getting good results or clients... āœ… Then here is a solution to your all problems Hello! My name is š—¦š—µš—¶š—øš—µš—®š—æ š—¦š—暝—¶š˜ƒš—®š˜€š˜š—®š˜ƒš—®. I help š—–š—¼š—®š—°š—µš—²š˜€/ š—–š—¼š—»š˜€š˜‚š—¹š˜š—®š—»š˜š˜€/ š—¦š—²š—暝˜ƒš—¶š—°š—² š—£š—暝—¼š˜ƒš—¶š—±š—²š—暝˜€ & š—–š—¼š˜‚š—暝˜€š—² š—–š—暝—²š—®š˜š—¼š—暝˜€ by designing Lucrative Funnels ( in simple terms conversion focused websites & funnels with irresistible offer ) whose main š—™š—¢š—–š—Øš—¦ is to get good š—–š—¢š—”š—©š—˜š—„š—¦š—œš—¢š—”š—¦!! Nowadays coaches/ consultants/ service providers spend hours on making content, talking to a prospect, or running ads but when their customer want to know about their service & for that reason they visit their websites they end up leaving their page in just 5-10 seconds Just because their funnel or website is not well designed with adequate steps, it makes it hard for users to make it through the funnel steps. Also, a funnel that provides inadequate information will leave your leads stranded. Similarly, adding too many elements can become distracting to your audience. Imagine landing on a page that finally seems to address your problem. Then, just as you get comfortable, swarms of pop-ups, dancing images, chat boxes, and subscription offers fill your screen. Worse still, they prevent you from viewing the primary copy. While these elements are useful, improper timing and positioning will frustrate your visitors and force them out of the funnel. Your funnel is like your spokesperson. So, if your funnel is poorly designed with outdated graphics, it will be difficult to trust your brand & at the same time, it will create a negative image of your brand in your customer's mind. A poor design also makes your page look unprofessional. The secret to building a good audience relationship is by striking a balance between your goals and the number of funnel steps needed to achieve them. So...... What is the point of reading this? If you need a Prime Marketing Funnel or Website that is extraordinary from other people in your market & at the same time converting for your audience. Feel free to DM me. Good Luck!

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