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Hendrik Backerra's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Hendrik Backerra

Hendrik Backerra

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Hendrik works as a strategic leadership advisor, transformational team facilitator and executive coach. Based in Berlin, he has worked around the world for large multinationals as well as numerous start-ups and scale-ups. Hendrik focuses on bringing powerful interventions and practical leadership tools to individuals, teams and leaders.  His consulting approach combines pragmatic business decisions with cultural and personal flexibility, performance improvement and leadership transformation.   - Helps resolve conflictual situations with teams and supports clients to respond from a perspective of shared values. - Supports the implementation of new work structures, including the capability to lead virtually and to drive innovation - Has designed and facilitated 450-plus events globally with up to 250 participants, covering leadership, cross-functional and project teams, and multinational groups. Key Offerings - Fostering Strategic Top Team Alignment - Engaging Innovation and Change Processes - Transformational Leadership Coaching - Enabling Thriving Corporate Cultures Together We Enable Your Change!

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