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Hitendra bavadiya

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April 2018, when I closed my restaurant and got a loss of 5 lacs. no 1. The reason I failed is lacking knowledge and skills Next month in May, I choose to start learning digital marketing by reading Facebook articles from Deepak Kanakaraju I still remember I watched a full video of how to start your own WordPress blog and Star affiliate marketing I started with the domain and worked on it for 3months, but, I wasn't able to monetize then sir Deepak Kanakaraju again shared an article about "How to start your own digital marketing agency by learning skills. i didn't wait, and just put my foot in the shoes and kept walking, Got the first client to promote the application, so I worked a full month and get paid (950/- Rs for managing) and that service now I am charging 3 Lacs (more value) Time by time I added clients and started making cashflow and soon I went to 10k per month in clients and in 6mknth I reached acquiring 10+ clients a month. since then, for 2 years I keep running my agency with 10+ people working and I kept going. still not happy with what I was doing even though I am making money. I started training students and business owners and become Trainer. then, for 2 more years I kept going with training, consulting, and Services. I saw, a major industries problem is, small and medium business owners can't afford high ticket charges, so, I created a method called the customer understanding method and which helps business owners to systemize their process and sales growth through Facebook ads. now, I am having 5 companies who are paying me a high ticket 100+ Business owners paid community 200+ Students who go education from my unique social media marketing method 15+ students are running their own agency 300+ clients portfolio 3 Companies acquire my Mentorship for a lifetime 2 New company for a revenue stream and, Cleared Purpose of life, Why am I delivering Value Fulfilling family's desire Managing Community Spreading Smiles 😊 Big fat Thank you to My Mentor Siddharth Rajsekar Sorav Jain Ankur Warikoo and those Who shared Valuable knowledge. with this vision, I want to Produce results for people, work for them, Earn money by product. that's my story for now. Create Yours Hitendra, Growth marketing consultant and mentor Let's Connect over a FREE 30Min Call at +91 99241 78813 Find My Personal Profile on Facebook https://business.facebook.com/hitendrabavadiya/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/hituthegreat Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hitendrabavadiya/

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