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Holly Lewis's Linkedin Analytics

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Holly Lewis

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Optimism is my superpower. I thrive on the entrepreneurial passion to match business problems with people solutions that drive business forward. I believe people are more capable and valuable than they give/get credit for. I'm a results driven HR leader with nearly 20 years of progressive leadership and HR experience across multiple industries. I'm known for my ability to build relationships and effectively navigate organizational complexities. I've been recognized for the capability to effectively communicate with leadership and executives, while inspiring staff teams and fostering relationships both internally and externally. I constantly strive for ways to improve efficiency and expand programs utilizing data insights to drive business growth. My areas of expertise include: People Strategy | Mergers & Acquisitions | Organizational Design | Leadership Development & Coaching | Talent Management | Employee Journey | Employee Relations | Employee Engagement | Compensation | Talent Acquisition | Change Management | HR Technology

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