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Humaira S.'s Linkedin Analytics

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Humaira S.

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Humaira is Programme Manager, Incubation at NSTP for its #Hatch8 Programme. Alongside being a startup trainer, she is a technologist, an active member for startup support entities/ organisations, a product development enthusiast as well as a passionate mentor. Working on designing and driving the incubation program to engage young enterprises founded by student startups, her commitment to both high performance and purpose is certified with a years of experience in guiding female-led entrepreneurs and idea-stage tech startups. She engages in taking a start-up from Idea validation to becoming a validated business model during #Hatch8 programme at NSTP. She has delivered several workshops on innovation management, business canvas models and basics of entrepreneurship. She holds a Masters in Management Engineering Degree from National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) and a BS in Computer Software Engineering from Pakistan’s first female University, FJWU.

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