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Huseyin Rzayev

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I don't sell anything, able to but don't. Trying to sell stuffs is not a way of business. We have to give value such as: 1) Created a newly formed brand that solves problem of audience sold 7 units in its 1st day without Ads or anything. No traffic, no paid search but only providing VALUE. Sales units of that product was 2000+ in the last month. 2) Ran 10s A/B tests to choose the best quality for customers. 3) Held webinars to people and helped them to improve their products and observed minimum 30% change for FREE I am Huseyin, lifelong Entrepreneur and experienced Seller with over 5+ years in E-Commerce and Retail. Key ingredients of mine: Now, Now and NOW . I am taking ACTION NOW, not later nor tomorrow, whenever. By the way, I know you. Yes, you. Only Success Starvers can sense themselves no matter of what. If you read all of this, you are already sharing the same VALUES with me too. #BeDifferent #FərqliOl

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