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Husseihann Nicole Villanueva's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Husseihann Nicole Villanueva

Husseihann Nicole Villanueva

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Innovative and energetic Corporate Trainer with 10+ years of experience in training program development, strategic planning, curriculum design, and change management. Reputable trainer who delivers end-to-end quality training programs to result in increased cultural proficiencies, business strategies, and productivity. Skilled in developing and leading high-impact, cross-functional training teams in in-person and virtual learning environments. Knowledgeable in the ADDIE training model, adult training principals, and other methodologies. Proven track record for identifying target audiences, customizing training curriculum, and improving programs to satisfy corporate strategies. Accomplished problem-solver with ability to communicate complex issues to groups of multicultural learners. Effective in navigating and facilitating cultural change and professional development through engaging presentations, unique tools, and expert utilization of techniques to achieve training excellence.

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