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Bethany Joy

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I help companies define their organisational personality and develop the language that reflects it. Because these days people don’t just care about what you sell – they care about what you’re like. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not pedalling some bullshit idea that we're all desperately craving deep relationships with brands whose every value resonates perfectly with our own. Cue huge eye roll. I just know that when I’ve got a choice of which law firm I want to help me draft a Will, or where to buy my period products, or which mobile network to switch to, or which project management software I’m going to buy for work, at least part of my decision is based on being drawn to brands who seem like they approach the world in the same way I do. You know, brands who I feel would laugh at the same sort of jokes, be interested in the same sort of ideas, irritated by the same sort of people, and keen on the same sort of causes. Brands who I hear from and just go ‘Yeh, you’re my kind of people‘. And I think a lot of other humans are the same. So that’s what I do – I help businesses get better at using language to show what kind of people they are. And I’ve been doing that under the handle of freelance brand voice strategist (because I'm kidding myself that it's slightly less wanky than ‘consultant’) for seven years now, in a sort of unexpected but delightful culmination of the linguistic know-how I’ve picked up over almost 20 years in myriad marketing, branding, and copywriting roles. Less pertinently - but perhaps more interestingly - I’m also a trained singer, with secret dreams of a career crooning jazz standards in some smoky back bar in New York. I love the smell of coffee but hate the taste. I share my house in Oxfordshire with one very tall human and two very small humans. And I'm terrified of sharks.

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