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Carmen Paredes

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Visionary Executive in Product Management, Planning and Development. Deeply passionate leader committed to cultivating high-performing teams, and consistently delivering results that exceed expectations. Over the years, I've forged a dynamic career marked by groundbreaking achievements, strategic leadership, and an unwavering commitment to driving organizational excellence. 🚀 Strategic Problem Solver | Architecting Success in Product Management: Assuming my last role as VP of Product Management, I faced a distinctive challenge: revitalizing a product withdrawn from the market due to previous setbacks. Although unfamiliar with the product, I took on the task as a strategic problem solver, successfully orchestrating its revival within a remarkable 5-month period. This accomplishment extends beyond technology, illustrating leadership resilience, adept problem-solving, and the restoration of relationships and credibility with the C-suite. 💡 Innovative Visionary: Guiding cross-functional teams with a visionary approach, I specialize in formulating game-changing strategies. In my role as Sr. Director of Product Management, I showcased my proficiency by birthing an Integrated Product Framework, paving the way for a substantial $20M annual EBITDA increase. This journey isn't just about strategy; it's about crafting innovative solutions that reshape the landscape. 🌱 Leadership Evolution Catalyst: Last year I founded Exceptional Leadership Solutions where I design and execute customized leadership development programs that foster measurable improvements in turnover rates, employee satisfaction, and team performance. My passion for exceptional leadership is evident in the high-performing teams I've nurtured, contributing to sustainable organizational success. 🏆 Proven Results & Diverse Industry Trailblazer: My track record speaks for itself—creating high-performing teams, driving transformative change, and consistently delivering exceptional results. Throughout my career I've demonstrated exceptional adaptability and problem-solving skills, achieving remarkable outcomes often without prior knowledge of specific responsibilities. 🌎 Versatile Industry Expert: My journey spans diverse fields – finance, wireless planning, business development, contract negotiations, customer analytics, product planning, product management, and consulting. Primarily in telecom, yet also venturing into tech and healthcare.

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