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Ian PJ Scotting's Linkedin Analytics

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Ian PJ Scotting

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“The Service Delivery Evolutionist” Co-creating improvements one idea at a time. I help people and organizations achieve excellence and efficiency within IT Operations and Service Delivery. 🌴 www.Scotting.com 🌴 📞 +44 (0) 7761 357442 📧 [email protected] Previous roles, professional and otherwise: 👷🏻‍♂️ Floor-layer 👨🏻‍🎓 Student 🐟 Marine Biologist 🌎 Backpacker 🏝️ Orlando Vacation Rentals 🎬 Director (Property Management) 📖 Book Keeper 🛩️ Software Engineer (avionics) 🧢 Software Analyst 🕶️ IT Service Manager A varied and diverse portfolio of career experiences has helped me to evolve service delivery teams and identify highly motivated people that can co-create and build high performance teams.

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