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Ian Dinwiddy is Coach, Mentor and the founder of Inspiring Dads. He delivers coaching, presentations and workshops to innovative businesses who put supporting new dads at the heart of their gender equality strategy, recognising the positive impact on equality and well-being of helping dads solve the challenge of “how to be a great dad WITHOUT sacrificing a great career. An ex-Management consultant, twice a stay-at-home dad and an English National League hockey umpire, he was the co-host of 46 episodes of the Lockdown Dads podcast, where they interviewed politicians, PhDs and an international rock star. He is married to Lisa, a Lawyer and they have two children, a 14-year-old daughter and 11-year-old son. Ian has presented to the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Fatherhood – “What’s In It For Me(n)? Leveraging Fatherhood for Gender Equality,” In a world where the NCT report that "the number of men who become depressed in the first year after becoming a dad is double that of the general population.... and one in ten dads-to-be will also become depressed during their partner’s pregnancy." I help clients improve dads' well-being and performance, helping transform workplace culture and enhancing gender equality at home and at work. ------ There is a growing awareness that building a diverse and inclusive workplace is not a challenge that can be easily solved by only creating initiatives aimed solely at women. Initiatives to support women in the workplace remain of crucial importance, but an additional focus on men has the benefit of re-framing the conversation away from the prevailing gender stereotypes of carer and “all in” breadwinner. The truth is that, although they may struggle to admit it, (even to themselves), men are as likely as women to struggle with the pressures of balancing work and life, pulled in different directions between their providing and caring roles. With the right policies and support it is possible to reduce the financial and culture barriers that make men reluctant to appear anything other than "all in" for work. The reality is that men are worried that their careers will suffer and by association their families. When working dads are confident that they can be a great dad without sacrificing a great career, we can normalise flexible working and parental leave for all which is good for well-being, gender diversity and closing the gender pay gap. ✅ “The New Dads Accelerator” Group Programme ✅ 1 to 1 Paternity Coaching and Mentoring ✅ Webinar and thought leadership https://www.inspiringdads.co.uk/

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