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Ivan Jovanovic

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With 20+ work experience 🏋️‍♀️, I am confortable to build and develop Digital Roadmaps with large network. I take energy from Data Science, Design and Photography 💖💖💖 ############# Since I was a child, I share two passions : 1️⃣ Cars 🚗🚓🚕🚙 2️⃣ Technology 💻🖥📱📸 I had the chance to work in automotive industry and take digital friendly positions (webmaster, product owner, ...) I created websites as a hobby to connect data and people, but as well to develop the business of my friends. 👨👩🏻‍🦰👦👵🏻👨‍🦳👱🏼‍♀️👱‍♂️👩🏾‍🦱🧕🏻 Following various experiences : 📌in Engineering, Purchasing, Finance, Digital 📌in France, Serbia, Russia, Romania ... I realized that it is time to reinforce my skills in data science. My goal is to connect the dots between Product Management and Data as it is the area where I saw the biggest struggles and misunderstanding within team members. The cherry on the cake 🍒 is to develop perfect UX/UI as a binder to consolidate strongly users and data. If you want to know more, contact me ✉ 📧 🔔 #automobile #automotive #mobility #mobilité #ux #ui #design #users #roadmap #data #python #machinelearning #web

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