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As an accomplished author, I’ve been invited to speak about writing on numerous panels, including Icon Comic and Games Convention and Comic Con Africa. My writing skills, ability to handle tight deadlines, and desire to learn and grow have earned me the role of SEO and Content Manager at Cognism, a leading globally compliant prospecting solution. My creative journey started in the vibrant and exciting world of Interior Design, where my passion for creativity and knowledge motivated me to learn everything I could about textiles, trends, space planning and how to best implement them in conjunction with my clients’ approved design. While writing creative stories and novels, I assisted my employers with their marketing, SEO, and Google Ads before committing to completing a BA in Languages and Literature while working full-time. This challenge was accomplished with perseverance and ease, and it is an experience that stands testament to my project management and organisational skills. In the years since my passion for knowledge hasn’t swayed - I’ve completed numerous SEO courses and a Pilates and Sports Nutrition Certification with Trifocus Sports Academy with over 100 hours of mentorship training.

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