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Ingmar Kasser

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Experience has taught me to always build from solid ground. I’m a radically honest, highly experienced, hands on CEO, with a foundation in coding, team building, and realising personal and professional creative visions. Looking back at the last decade or so, my journey has unfolded nicely. It was in 2008, that with a small team of developers we realised the opening in the Estonian domestic market for an app which could deliver pizzas online. Brilliant? Yes, but on the road to implementation we hit so many hurdles and barriers that we rapidly gave up, realising we just didn’t have the skills to bring an idea, however great, to fruition. This experience led to my immersion in the world of crypto, and going on to form Random Forest. It also informed my importance and understanding of the willingness to be open to new collaborations, both as a founder and investor. While my core competences are in generating ideas, making a roadmap, and then delivery - these are also the skills which I ensure my team also share, or are capable of developing. Random Forest has been growing through my predilection for digging deep into the heart of the idea, hiring the best talent, and forming strong partnerships with clients and investors. I get excited by coming up with solutions, or being tasked to fix or change a prototype. Gaining a deep understanding combined with an adaptive ability ensures our client's vision can be more rapidly realised. And developing this kind of team takes time; and we are talking about years. As well as the day to day running of the company, I am engaged in networking events in Estonia and abroad, representing the company, making sales, and finding new talent. I also ensure I don’t neglect my personal growth as a CEO, devouring seminars, books, and podcasts, and interacting with other industry leaders. At Random Forest I am seeking project based cooperation with a back-end focus, our skills are in building solid platforms. We are the tech heavy lifters. Random Forest is a hi-tech salon, where you can choose the best language, platform, and operating system that suits your requirements and is equipped for the task in hand. So click on the bell in LinkedIn to receive news of our projects and updates on our hiring status. While you are at it, drop me a line if you have any IT challenges, or are looking for a new one.

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