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Ioana Arama's Linkedin Analytics

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Ioana Arama

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I believe that people and processes should never have to compete. For the past 6 years, I’ve been working with businesses and recruiters to analyse and scrutinise their recruitment operations and create better ways to hire, scale, and develop organisations of all sizes. Through best practices and flows developed using reputable research, industry-recognised tools and tactics, I put processes in the service of all the people involved in the recruitment journey - from candidates to recruiters and hiring managers. I’ve helped develop competency frameworks that bring efficiency, objectivity, and performance to the recruitment process. I’ve joined forces with Employer Branding experts to build candidate experiences, campaigns, and integrated strategies that help companies stand out and engage with candidates in a more authentic way, allowing them become more competitive in the labour market. In short, I make sure recruitment delivers in the long-term.

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