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Irene Hostettler

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Living with a disability is not only a challenge for the disabled person but also for close ones. By helping disabled people to live a normal life, others have to make sacrifices. I grew up with an older sister with a brain disability. Our family life was centred around her. My parents wanted her to have a “normal” life and they made it their priority. This meant that everything else was secondary. Including me. I often felt like an outsider in my own family. Now, as an adult, I wish that someone had been there for me and told me that I was enough. In 2019, I found myself at a crossroad. I felt lost. Frustrated. Thanks to my boss, I realised that I had made myself dependable on my employer when it came to my career. That’s when my healing and personal development journey started. I signed up for a 12-month coaching program which was a real eye opener. I discovered all facets of life and that we are the driver of our own destiny. This program gave me the courage to learn to say no and to stand up for myself. As a result, I found a job with better pay. I kept working with coaches and discovered that if I could find a role in the benefits sector in insurance, I could start to help people in a more aligned way. And so I did. I’m now in an exciting position at SwissLife treating cases for people with mental and physical disabilities. * * * If you are in a similar situation (grew up with a disabled sibling and were neglected as a result), know that you’re a survivor, not a victim! You and only you decide about your life, what you want to do, what kind of job you want to have. If your situation seems impossible, try to take a step back and to look at it objectively. Suddenly, you can see a door opening that you missed before because you simply stood too close. Sometimes it helps to take on the support from others, which can be found in many forms like psychiatrist or psychologist. Sometimes finding the right coach is enough. At the end of the day, you need to feel comfortable in order to move forward. Be patient. Give yourself time. Rome wasn’t built in one day. You won’t conquer your life in one day, it is a journey. The most important thing is that you start and get moving. Small steps get you moving faster than huge steps which tend to slow us down. Baby steps are the key. You can do it. You just have to decide you want it. Don’t hesitate to drop me a message. My door is always open.

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