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Irish Ann Foja 🍀's Linkedin Analytics

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What I do: my best 😗✌️ ▪️ Partner at CaaSocio Helping SaaS startups grow faster with on-point landing page messaging ▪️ Marketing Manager at SelfCAD Growing our user base through industry outreach, thought leadership, and 3D modeling curriculums ▪️ Marketing Manager at 123 Tuition NZ Generating high-intent leads through PPC ads, email marketing, and social media marketing ✨big girl stuff ✨ that my 7-year old self would be proud of ▪️ joined an all-women team of SaaS experts (BONUS: they are as geeky as I am!!) ▪️ pioneered the marketing team of SelfCAD (started learning 3D modeling along the way) ▪️ strategized, wrote, and wireframed landing pages & websites for SaaS companies all over the globe ▪️ helped 123 Tuition NZ grow their customer base while reducing ad spend ▪️ launched a website copywriting course for Filipino freelancers ▪️ released my zines at BLTX 2024 ▪️ literally writing for a living 🧚

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