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Ishant Khurana

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"Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success." - Pablo Picasso My Background: • Solution-oriented MBA graduate with around 9 years of experience as business engineering analyst /consultant managing cross-functional CRM and ERP projects in IT industry in various domains. • Innovative and strategic thinker to help large business transformations and solve complex industry problems to advance companies in marketplace and to meet challenging business objectives. • Focused on overseeing financial, personnel and operational facets to drive efficiency and cost savings. Area of Expertise: • Business Consulting, Strategy to execution, Management Consulting on strategic transformation initiatives • Business Analysis, Data Analysis, Salesforce, CRM, Microsoft Dynamics Navision, ERP • Process Improvement, Project Management, Stakeholder Engagement and Process Optimization expertise to drive cost savings, Quality Assurance Feel free to reach out at: 📞 +16477670085 ✉️ [email protected]

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