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Israt Jahan Femi

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Hi, I'm Israt Jahan, and I am thrilled to announce that I have recently joined Kiteworks as a Cyber Security and Risk Management Analyst. At Kiteworks, we provide state-of-the-art PCN (Private Content Networks) and security compliances to corporations in the US and EMEA. As a seasoned professional in the field of cyber security, I bring a wealth of experience in identifying and mitigating cyber threats, developing security strategies, and implementing robust security systems. I'm excited to be part of a company at the forefront of the cybersecurity industry, delivering innovative solutions to help organizations protect their assets. If you're looking for an expert in cyber security and risk management, look no further! I'd be delighted to connect with you on LinkedIn and explore opportunities for collaboration. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or are interested in learning more about the services we offer at Kiteworks. As Director of Animation, I lead the development of compelling animated content that drives business growth and powerfully communicates our clients' stories. My expertise lies in crafting explainer videos that illuminate products and services with clarity and style. I utilize engaging storytelling and the latest animation techniques to ensure our messages resonate with target audiences. I specialize in educational animations that demonstrate the full capabilities of our platform, highlighting its features and benefits in an impactful way. My work encompasses diverse fields, from complex 3D medical animations to captivating architectural visualizations. Beyond creative leadership, I mentor our marketing team in the production of digital content that strengthens our brand identity. I partner with the sales team to develop dynamic animated presentations that convert leads, and I spearhead innovative email marketing campaigns.

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