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Iulian-Emil Juhasz

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Disclaimer: The opinions expressed on any social media platforms, including LinkedIn, are my own and don't relate with those of any of my employers. I have more than 13 years of experience in leading teams and projects and working with various customers from governmental agencies to large space system integrators. Among the technology areas that I have been active in the past years, in a more direct or indirect way, and of which I have knowledge of, I can mention: - aerospace structural engineering - aerospace materials - new manufacturing technologies and processes (e.g. 3D printing) - space structural components - space thermal hardware - space antennas - MGSE (Mechanical Ground Support Equipment) - EGSE (Electrical Ground Support Equipment) - SCOE (Special Check-Out Equipment) - GNC (Guidance, Navigation and Control) - space electronics - space software Besides the technical topics, I have been very interested and have been involved whenever I had the chance to in fields like: business development, proposal writing, space product assurance, cleanroom operations and procedures, space project management, entrepreneurship and business strategy and space-related training and lectures. Very open to multicultural project teams and able to keep a conversation going in 5 languages. I am always open to new challenges and opportunities. Please don't hesitate to get in contact. I promise to be honest and fair in my feedback/answer.

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