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Iyas AlQasem

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Beyond the Quarter helps companies become more effective & profitable, better places to work, and contribute more positively to people and planet. Along the way, CEOs get more time and space to step back and focus on more strategic goals. My support to leadership teams comes from experience. I've founded and led companies and teams from a 2 person startup to a team of 500; through turnarounds, breaking plateaus and rapid growth; acquiring and being acquired; IPO and trade sale, and I'm constantly learning as I support other founders and CEOs find their own paths. We focus on how to get commercial strategy, purpose and values done. Clients are typically: ☐ starting rapid growth ☐ getting ready for, or just had investment ☐ either side of an acquisition ☐ at a plateau ☐ not implementing strategy as they'd want to ☐ led by a leadership team that needs to execute better ☐ unsure how to make purpose and values real in their company We balance structure and humanity; profitability and purpose; seriousness in intent and humour in implementation. Engagements typically result in CEOs more confidently in control, more effective leadership teams, and profitable companies built on purpose, values and positive cultures. ○ "His passion for doing things the right way with an emphasis on values helped us improve our delivery model, grow our accounts, improve our hiring strategy and improve overall ops" MD MagenTys ○ "He helped us with strategies, implementation, monitoring and execution and acted as a conscience to keep us true, motivated and moving" Founder Adatis ○ "Iyas has been instrumental in helping our team bring structure, purpose, and a bias for meaningful action into our operation." MD Sui Generis ○ "He changed my attitude towards how growth can be achieved and mentored the senior team on their mindset around how to be a leader. He assisted me and the whole team through one of the most difficult challenges I have ever had to face in a work environment, so that we came out stronger as a team” MD Station10 ○ "The ROI was demonstrated by day 2" CEO Conosco ○ "We've totally rethought our business and its ambitions" MD Silicon Reef ○ "Values-led, action-oriented, bullsh*t free" UK MD of global consultancy (sadly only delivered verbally!) I don't have all the answers. But I come with an approach, scars, curiosity and the sense of humour to ask questions for us to collaboratively get to better answers. And to serve our bigger mission of making business more human and purposeful. I also host the Karmic Capitalist podcast for values-led founders and CEOs.

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