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Jack Robson

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Filipino Virtual Assistants are the best in the world for completing laborious, tedious and repetitive tasks due to their diligent and attentive nature. When we recruit, vet, train and manage Virtual Assistants from the Philippines, what we get is a matched understanding of the industry, accelerated by their ability to work at a much faster rate over longer periods of time without fatigue. With a Filipino VA you can → Increase Productivity up to 400% → Retain 30% More Employees → Place Candidates 2x Faster → Save on AVG £1,500 p/m → Land 50% More Deals UpWork and Fiver are an option as you can find millions of VAs there. But you still have to manage them... And that’s the problem. Expanding your team or service offering means more workload, more SOPs, more training, more HR. You can easily back yourself into a corner. That's why we not only find you top talent, we manage them for you too. We solve all your growth problems in just 1 service. Let’s chat 📲

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