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Jack Rosenkrantz

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Ever feel like you want a spiritual-f**king-samurai in your corner championing everything you do in life and work? Instilling confidence, Self-empowerment, and Busting through glass ceilings, All while slicing limiting beliefs to pieces , Seeing and inviting you into your fullness, and Helping you to self-initiate into your OWN unique greatness. Think the Obi-Wan Kenobi to your Hero's journey. Only you’re you…. —- And I’m me, Coach Jack Rosenkrantz 20 years obsessed with studying/embodying exercise, wellness, and nutrition science ➡️ competing in triathlons, maintaining healthy body composition/fitness, sleeping well, eating what works for me ➡️ have tried everything from 🥕 raw vegan to 🥩 raw carnivore (seriously); never had food I didn’t like 👍🏼 ➡️ ➡️ 6 years alcohol free, and a lot longer free of other shitty-for-me behaviors 15 years of crushing quotas in sales and executive leadership, 4x VP Sales in SaaS ➡️ $100’s of millions revenue sold as IC and leading teams ➡️ ➡️ reached advanced stages of burnout 3x so know what NOT to do now (I got you!) 10 years devotedly practicing and teaching yoga ➡️ learning how to effectively and consistently grow in this life ➡️ ➡️and empower others to do the same for themselves!!! And 6 years coaching business leaders like YOU ➡️ executives, founders, SL's, and CXO's ➡️ ➡️ to CREATE your life and FEEL F*CKING GOOD PURPOSEFUL INSPIRED As much as you deserve! (Which is A LOT) YOU are the creator of YOUR life! And as your coach, I’m your devoted guide, samurai, warrior, and champion And spiritual friend Helping you self-initiate into your own unique greatness. ——————————-——————————-—————— One of the tools you can look forward to using is the Active Interval's “Samurai SLICE” framework for coaching: S - slow down, to create space for L - listening, so that we give space for I - inspiration to arise, granting us C - clarity on what we want, and becoming E - empowered to act on it! Want to SLICE up YOUR life? Hit me up. Let’s get to work. 🥷 ✨

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