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Jacky San Diego

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As an independent Virtual Assistant and Lead Prospecting Lady Boss I get to do some really cool stuff. One of my favorite things is connecting with people who have a passion in growth and who genuinely love WOWing their internal and external customers. For me, PROSPECTING is all about discovering people’s dreams and matching them with client opportunities that will allow them to grow and have their best success yet. I thrive in rapidly growing, and innovative organizations, I’m passionate about technology and providing the BEST BUSINESS SUPPORT EXPERIENCE for my clients and their clients. Currently, I am helping JAQ Business Solutions by doing what I do best in MARKETING and LEAD GENERATION through PROSPECTING. I am continuously seeking out industry LEADERS looking for ways to grow their business and finally get the TIME FREEDOM that they deserve. I specialize in : ✔ Reputation Engineering Through Social Media Account Management ✔ Lead Generation and Prospecting Strategy Implementation with VA services ✔ Business Development and Growth Hacking Let’s make some $$$ together! If you are an ACTION TAKER and is raring to get YOUR BUSINESS TO THE NEXT LEVEL, then send me a message right now to see how I can help transform your business!

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