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Jacqui Blair

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I love making plans, but the most exciting part of life is that it’s full of surprises! I’ve now been an SDR for almost 2 years, but envisioning myself in this role 5 years ago would have made me laugh - after all, I’d been out of the game since I stopped selling Girl Scout cookies at age 8! Either way, I’m incredibly grateful for having landed in sales and find it to be exhilarating and gratifying. Previously, I had the privilege of shaping young minds as a 4th grade and Kindergarten teacher. Prior to this, I wore many hats in my 9 year tenure at the YMCA: from fitness coordinator to director, lifeguard, gymnastics coach, and my favorite - group fitness and indoor cycling instructor. My passion for continuous self-improvement and empowering others to push through their own limiting beliefs has been a theme in each of my roles, whether it involved guiding individuals towards their fitness goals, sculpting young minds, or fueling business growth. I exude optimism and positivity, and always have a mom joke ready if morale is down… and also when it’s high - let’s be honest :) Thanks for visiting me here on LinkedIn, and if you’ve made it this far, stick around and say hi!

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