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Jahangir Alam's Linkedin Analytics

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Jahangir Alam

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As a Certified digital marketer with over 5 years working experience in local market, for different foreign companies and with different individuals to helped their small and medium businesses with huge success rate. My expertise areas are: ✅Social Media Marketing (SMM) ✅ Facebook and Instagram ads campaign. ✅Instagram organic growth. (IG expert) ✅Search Engine Marketing (SEM) ✅ Google ads AdWords PPC campaigns. ✅ YouTube marketing. I helped many small and large businesses to reach their goals. I earned their faith and trust for that they gave me best Digital marketer medal. I am here to help you with my skill, knowledge and experiences that i gathered. I am Skilled in Facebook and Instagram ads (Social media marketing). Google and Email Ads (Search Engine Marketing) and also video marketing. I will grow your business perfectly with expertise. I provide Digital Marketing Management to businesses trying to generate new customers and sales. If you do not know how to start, i will guideline you steply.I always ready for your needs. I am offering my clients a free consultation. So don't feel hesitate to contact any time. Thank You.

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