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Jakir Shaikh

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"Want to Transform customer experiences and drive sustainability in the consumer goods industry? Could it be a game-changer? Then let's discuss." Imagine a world where post-sales service isn't a headache but a seamless part of the customer journey. Many companies stumble here, losing valuable repeat business and tarnishing brand reputation. After-sales services and product suitability often need to catch up to expectations. Want to transform after-sales from a pain point into a powerful retention tool? Here's the solution: A well-crafted after-sales strategy for enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty through innovative consumer experience mapping will improve customer satisfaction, increase loyalty, and create a healthier bottom line. But why listen to me? With 15 years of experience turning after-sales from a cost centre into a strategic asset, my track record speaks for itself. From boosting customer satisfaction scores to receiving industry certifications, my approach has been recognised and rewarded. Ready to change the game? Let's connect and discuss how to turn your 'After-Sales" organisation into a powerful tool for business growth. Areas of Expertise: After-Sales Strategy & Transformation Customer Experience Optimisation Operational Efficiency & Budget Management Technical Training & Development Circular Economy Implementation Warranty Management Team Leadership & Development CRM, ERP, Customer service

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