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James Donaldson

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There are often two sides of sales development that cause frustration: > quality of mindset and attitude > quality of the structure and process Most companies and teams fail to identify which of the two is the real cause of their dwindling pipeline. Those who identify both play a role, struggle to know which order to address them in. As a result, time and energy get's put into fixing "something" and wasted effort increases frustrations. Increased frustration can foster bad team work, and progress stalls. Meaning pipeline and revenue stall. Eventually, teams members, tools or structure have changed but outcomes are slower to. Now imagine, you could identify and break down the problems and draw on fresh perspectives. You quickly outline the workflows, the structural changes and the coaching individuals need. You are able to give each element the attention deserved and everyone feels supported. There's an order to the process, and people buy in to where it is going. Enthusiasm grows, then pipeline grows. But where to start?!? How do we know which order to address things?!? We've always done things a certain way? Here's where I step in: ---> COACHING help with prospecting mindset, training and methods in 1:2:1s or groups ----> SALES DEV STRUCTURE support leadership and management by providing an experience sound board ------> SALES STACK assess, optimise and recommend on the best stack to make the most of your great team If you yourself are a Consultant or Coach adding value to customers to solve the above already, GREAT! I have a pre-packaged partner program to help you add more value too! Now are you serious about improving your own sales dev skills or your teams? Let's make it happen. > Shoot me a DM. Book into my diary. Or check out the featured section.

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