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James Gunaca

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My mission is to make better products for the world. I’ll achieve this by helping people reach their Product Management career goals and teaching others how they can be great at Product. I help people switch to PM roles, grow as PMs, and learn to effectively lead a team of PMs. ⭐️ Career Coach since 2019 🚀 11+ Years in Product 🔎 2,500 Product Candidates Screened 👥 300+ Interviews as a Hiring Manager and Amazon Bar Raiser 🫱🏻‍🫲🏾 50+ Hires for PM, Senior PM, Manager roles, and more Launched many world-class products like Amazon Echo, Alexa AI assistant, AppleCare+ Subscriptions, and Xbox All Access console + Game Pass subscription Do you want to know more? I have 11+ years of Product Management experience as a PM, Senior PM, Manager of PMs, Group Product Manager, and Head of Product. I’ve worked around the world, including at Amazon for over 8 years in their USA and European headquarters. I’ve also hired, developed, and promoted numerous professionals into PM, Senior PM, and Manager of PM roles, interviewed hundreds of candidates as an Amazon Bar Raiser, and have been a Career Coach since 2019. I’ve worked with professionals around the world and look forward to helping you switch to a product role, grow as a Product Manager, and lead a team of Product Managers. Let's make better products together.

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