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James Wilson

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A technology entrepreneur with a strong track record in start-ups and corporate leadership. In 2001, James founded Trinem, securing an OEM software partnership with CA Technologies (now Broadcom) and became EMEA's preferred technical services provider. Trinem was acquired by OpenMake Software in 2012. James then founded ARIA Technologies, spending approximately 18 months working with major Financial Services firms in Istanbul, Turkey. In 2016, James joined Bibby Financial Services, where he built an in-house Engineering Team, oversaw a number of innovative technology projects (mobile app for logistics finance in the USA, for example), and eventually led Global IT Strategy & Innovation. In 2020, James went on to start ID4-S.com, a RegTech business focusing on digitising ID Verification and AML processes in Financial Services - eventually forming a key component of the Red Flag Alert platform. Later in 2020, James took on the role of CTO at Red Flag Alert, a Business Data platform for Risk Management, responsible for building an in-house Engineering, Architecture, and Data Science team, integrating ID4-S.com, and delivering a complete platform re-build that enabled a VC Series A investment of £4.5m. Now, as CTO at CHEC (Community Health Eye Care), James is dedicated to leveraging technology for transformative changes in Community Healthcare and, specifically, eye care services. James is passionate about technology innovation, and advising start-ups and VC/PE backed businesses.

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