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Janet Brown

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► In all my years as a leader in customer service management, I have realized an important truth: We can positively impact the human experience through the many customer experiences we create. We can listen, we can empathize, we can care. We can walk in a customer’s shoes. With these values in mind, I have worked hard to deliver results by establishing high standards, developing top talent, monitoring quality performance, and identifying trends and areas of improvement. I also realize the power of working cross-functionally, as communication and collaboration across departments and teams have led to increased productivity, decreased complaints, and improvement in overall problem resolutions. By collecting and analyzing “Voice of the Customer” data and then generating reports and cascading information to internal stakeholders, including leadership members, I have seen how metrics, customer insights, and consumer feedback can help us to quickly initiate intervention strategies and address identified issues. As a customer point-of-contact for escalated issues, I handle sensitive situations that call for strong interpersonal communication skills and compassion. I remember one of our critical account customers who happened to be a social media influencer and blogger with 100’s of thousands of followers. He had a less than satisfactory experience and shared his frustration online. After being made aware of the issue, I was able to reach out to this customer, listen carefully to his concerns, arrange for direct contact with the head of technical support, and provide my personal contact information for any future concerns. The outcome? This customer was so pleased that he posted an update that included kudos to the company for the genuine concern and care he ultimately received. That was an achievement that sticks with me. I successfully created a team of agents to respond to over 60K unanswered survey alerts from members who opted into being contacted. The success of this program allowed me to start phase two by training additional agents to personally speak with over 30K members and we were able to reactivate 5% of these members within a few months. I appreciate the diversity in people and cultures, so much so in fact that I love to travel internationally and have had the pleasure of visiting distant lands like Portugal, Jordan, Dubai, Morocco, Vietnam, China, India, Malaysia, and many Caribbean islands. My goal is to see the world and visit all the people I can that are in it! Truly, people are my passion!

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