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Janina Franzkowiak's Linkedin Analytics

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Janina Franzkowiak

open on linkedin

I’m Janina, a Product Manager with 10 years experience in building digital products and leading teams. I gained my expertise from various industries such as E-Commerce, Retail, HealthTech, MarTech & Consultancy with a focus on user-facing experiences. I'm passionate about product management and solving real problems. It excites me to think strategically and dream big by zooming out to see the bigger picture. Untangling mess and creating structure eases and calms my mind. With a curious mind, I enjoy learning new things and exploring the unknown. As a convinced team player, I lead teams with empathy & empowerment. I work holistically with leaders & product teams to create value for their business and to create products that their users love. Work with me on a specific project or hire me as a fractional product manager. ✨ Curious? I'm always open for a coffee chat!

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