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Janisa Anandamohan's Linkedin Analytics

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Janisa Anandamohan

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Technology has innovated the world around us and is my life-long passion. My mission is to connect teams across large organizations to strategize and execute for global impact. I have a deep curiosity for the ins and outs of a product and collaborating with engineering, design, and insights to deliver the best experience to users. I utilize this passion with my abilities to be futuristic, analytical, and focused, all while having superb communication skills. When I'm not balancing the priorities of an ever-growing tech space, I’m a Board Member for Powering Potential (a non-profit that brings educational resources to developing countries), public speaker, dancer, and world traveler. Whether in my career or personal life, consistent growth and development is what wakes me up every day and invigorated for the next challenge to come.

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