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Jason Kerwin

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Passions are often happened upon by chance. What makes an interest a passion is that when you happen upon them they become ingrained into your thoughts. Technology and business were two things that I happened upon but could not get them out of my mind. I was exposed to both separately, but continually, throughout my life. I wanted to make a career of both but could not bridge the gap in a way that I found satisfactory. This sentiment was true until I returned to college to pursue a degree in business. I excelled during this period because I began to see how I could mold both business and technology into a lifelong career. Through software development and management I had found a way to excite my love of learning and decided to pursue an exciting and challenging education in both. While attending the University of Colorado, I made a point to take the lead on nearly every project we had. After graduating, I focused my attention on a challenging full-stack development program offered through Skill Distillery Bootcamp. This bootcamp helped me understand the intricate nature of development along with the viewpoint of a business's needs. Together, I have combined two passions of mine into a lifelong and fulling career in software development.

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