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I don't fit neatly into any category—and trust me, that works in your favor. I'm an idea guy, a creative father of twins who blends the spiritual with the practical, think East Coast pragmatic meets West Coast progressive. I am a master of reinvention, and my path has been anything but conventional. I began as a trial attorney for the City of New York, then followed my culinary passion, and even risked it all to open a restaurant. Along the way, I've worked with major players like NBC Sports and Merck Pharmaceuticals, as well as scrappy startups. Now, I'm a personal development and business coach. I used to host the nationally syndicated radio show, Know Pain, Know Gain—Entrepreneurship Made Real. I've helped "spiritually curious" business owners harmonize their growth, personal development, and spiritual evolution for over a decade while walking out my own personal journey. My superhuman pet trick? Asking the right questions that unveil new perspectives and solutions, so you can break the shackles of stagnation. My passion is to help seekers access a higher form of thinking and consciousness so that their innate gifts can shine.

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